Earn Extra Income, Work Flexibly from Home, Help Prepare Alexia Claire British Wildlife Stationery Products

Now seeking help preparing my Alexia Claire Stationery Products. You’ll work from home, pick your own hours and earn extra income by helping to put my British wildlife themed stationery products together.

How Does It Work:

Alexia Claire is growing fast and I’d appreciate a little extra help. You’ll lovingly package my British Wildlife postcard packs. You’ll do this from the comfort of your own home and can even watch a movie or TV while you’re working.

As an Alexia Claire Product Prepper you’ll have complete flexibility. Fit work around your life and help put together my postcard packs (and other stationery) that inspire a love of British Wildlife. 

Alexia Claire with mascot "Benjy" 

Here’s The Kind of Product You’ll Be Prepping!

You’d help prep by putting postcards in order, putting inside an envelope, adding a belly band and stickers to get the product ready. 

The Practical Stuff:

·        Once a week you’ll collect a box of Alexia Claire stationery supplies from Thornton, Leicestershire. (You’ll need access to a car so you can carry everything easily)

·        Full training will be provided and I’ll show what to do to put these together.

·        We’ll agree a time around a week later to bring the products back (which is why it’s really helpful if you live locally)

Example of Product to prep!


·        Live in the local area: Thornton, Leicestershire.

·        Reliable and dependable.

·        Smoke free and smell free home environment to work in.

·        Happy to work flexibly and get paid for “what you do”.

·        Want to work flexibly but with a minimum of around 5 hours a week+

·        Access to a car to collect your box of stock to product prep.

How Do I Get Paid?

·        You’ll work flexibly from home picking the hours that make most sense for you.

·        You’ll be paid for what you do. You’ll get a set amount “per product” you put together.

·        As a rough guide, you should be able to make £10 per hour or more.

·        The amount you’ll make depends on how quickly you work but I’m personally able to assemble products to give pay of significantly above the £10 per hour rate. This is very doable once you get the hang of it but if you work faster then you’ll get paid more.

·        Full training is provided so you can assemble products as quickly as possible.

·        You’ll submit an invoice once a month and get paid within 7 days of the end of the month.

How Do I Get Started?

Step1: Pop your details in on this page.

Step2: We’ll set a time to have a chat, I’ll talk you through everything and we can take it from there.

Step3: If it looks like a good fit we’ll set up a trial so you can collect a box of products and have a go!

What to Do Next:

If you’d like a flexible way to earn an extra income and think this could be right for you then pop a few details in now.  

We’ll then set a time to have a chat and find out how much work you’re looking for and whether we’re a good fit for each other. 

Assuming that goes well we’ll let you “test it out”. You can put together a box of postcard packs and get the hang of it. The we can work on an ongoing basis. 

I look forward to hearing from you,

Alexia Claire

Apply Now!

Team Alexia Claire

P.S. If you think this might be for you then pop a few details in the form now.

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